
I worship in the temple of the darkened viewfinder

4 posts

Why A Fujifilm X100Vi?

Why A Fujifilm X100Vi?

* Great photography is created by the mind that perceives the image, the eye that composes the picture, and the experience working the exposure triangle—not the rig. * It’s taken me a dozen cameras and several thousand dollars of gear to lead me back to my roots. * My first cameras

I made a FujiFilm X100vi chatbot

I made a FujiFilm X100vi chatbot

New FujiFilm X100VI assistant for New Users and those in a hurry:  To help me find quick answers to common problems, I created a simple setup problem and menu assistant for the X100VI in ChatGPT. It is based specifically on the X100VI manual but fleshes out solutions to problems step-by-step

It's the Eye, Not the Tool

It's the Eye, Not the Tool

"I have read your books, Jack, and I think they are important works of art. You must have a wonderful typewriter." When Jack London had his portrait made by the noted San Francisco photographer Arnold Genthe, London began the encounter with effusive praise for the photographic art of



I worship in the temple of the darkened viewfinder. My interests are travel & adventure photography, but sometimes I get lucky with something "arty."

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