![main-thumb-5036327-50-rikhdibztprztpykhcprcvzfwtpuirig.jpeg](../_resources/main-thumb-5036327-50-rikhdibztprztpykhcprcvzfwtpuirig.jpeg) Rick H. Kennerly, Reader, Thinker, Beekeeper, Gardener 67 upvotes by Rhonda Mitchell, Rass Bariaw, Roderick House, Sed Chapman,Catherine Beale, Claire McCabe, Bjørn Husby, Nikhil Ranade, Pankaj Kadwadkar,Mudunuri Himateja, Simon Hayes, Jaime Fuhrman, Alex Gerulaitis, Ted Exstein, Charles Faraone, Thomas Johnson, Ladonna J. Blount, Andrei Zissu, Martin Krämer, Aditya Nanda, View All Because, for the introverted, well-educated, ADD-ish, attention-starved, information-junkie, Quora is a jonesing heaven.  To an introvert, Quora is the equivalent of what a room full of people is to an extrovert at a rock concert.  It gives us energy…but robs us of focus. And then Quora drains us dry before we realize it. On Quora there are lots of shiny new topics to switch between, a new ego-enhancing opportunity at every click, a chance to display some mastery and then move on (sometimes I feel like the Lone Ranger leaving behind a silver bullet. "Who was that masked man?," Emily asked).  Quora offers near instant gratification.  But wait, there’s more! Quora offers: Points! I’m accruing points! points! point!  Quora gives me free points just to answer questions.  I get points for being an intellectual show-off. Alas, I am disappointed to report, Quora points are not at all like Jack’s magic beans. Quora points, I’ve learned, don’t even cover the cairn’s kibble at the market (don’t bother lugging your laptop up to customer service at PETCO and showing them your Quora points.  They’ve told me --twice-- that I can’t trade Quora points for dog food). So, my participation in Quora comes at the creative expense of actual paying gigs, like an article I’ve been researching for the last couple of weeks.  I’ve ignored writing on it all morning long because I’ve been having so much fun on Quora, and someone needs me, and someone wants to know what I think.  And it’s all so instantly gratifying.  I got an A2A! And because I’ve carefully crafted my thoughts with style, and a bit of panache that you could take to the bank, there is no energy left for mere paid writing.  I’m too busy carefully editing & re-editing each gem until that turd glistens. And now that I’ve shot my creative wad on Quora, I need a nap.  Again.   I’ll write on that dumb article mañana…maybe. The really smart users of Quora ask a question, let us Quora Whores research their problem for them, and then the smart ones take the information and log off to write a paying article, advance the plot of their manuscript, or at least be guided to the right resources. (I can’t call us Quora Prostitutes because prostitutes get paid.  We just give it away, we’re Quora Whores.  You know…that’s wrong.  Unlike whores, we actually enjoy it.  Maybe we’re just Quora Party Girls, which is even more pathetic.   There’s a snapper in there about Quora & Qrack, but I’m sure it’s been done.) At the very least, I know that some kid will show up in class & turn in some pretty good homework because of my efforts. And I got points! …and I just woke up with my intellectual shorts around my ankles…again.  I claw back to the desk to log into Quora to give this piece another little tweek, another edit, and check the numbers.   Upvotes!  Points!  God, I’m horny…. But the dogs are still hungry and I just received another A2A.