"A little math: please indulge me, but numbers can be very informative. Only 35% of Americans approve of 45. That 35% includes 80% of Republicans, 35% of independents and 5% of Democrats. 42% of Americans identify as independents (from 2017 polls). 29% identify as Democrats and 26% as Republicans. Thirty-five percent of 42% is 14.7%. So, of the 35% minority of Americans that still approves of the fraud-in-chief, 14.7% are independent, 0.15% are Democrats (5% of 29%) and 20.3% are Republicans. Based on these numbers, and consistent with 2017 polls, Republicans as a group are approximately 25% of Americans. Thus, Republicans are the third smallest political group in America. Yet, the smallest political group in the country controls all the branches of government. We have a minority government, which maintains its power only through dirty tricks, propaganda, corruption, gerrymandering and voter suppression. The inescapable conclusion is that our government is not a faithful expression of our people’s will. It does not have a mandate to set the national agenda, and does not represent Americans as a people. Our political system is profoundly dysfunctional, and something has to give." --- Lucio Miele