> _“Where one can no longer love, there one should pass by.”
> --Friedrich Nietzsche in Also Sprach Zarathustra
> ### My Latest…
> - ![[Fujifilm X100VI.jpg|300]]
> <mark style="background: #f7c622;">Great photography is created by the mind that perceives the image, the eye that composes the picture, and the experience working the exposure triangle—not the rig.</mark> It’s taken me a dozen cameras and several thousand dollars of gear to lead me back to my roots…
> - Read: [[Why the Fujifilm X100VI]]
> ---
> - ![[vietnam.png|200]]
> Wawro’s detailed political analysis makes this particular history an absorbing read.<mark style="background: #f7c622;"> Through his meticulous research of primary materials from archives around the world, some only recently discovered or released from an archive,</mark> Wawro offers a unique perspective on motivations and the profound misjudgments that prolonged the war on both sides.
> - _The Complete Review:_ [[The Vietnam War-A Military History (review)]]
![[today I'm reading.png|500]]
[Cicero's Tusculan Disputations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tusculanae_Disputationes)
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