title: Gallery
[Quotes](notes/Quotes.md) | [Book Covers](Book%20Covers.md) | [Charts](Charts.md) | [China Space](China%20Space.md) | [Class](Class.md) | [Hitler](Hitler.md) | [Other](Other.md) | [@Stuff](@Stuff.md)
> [!quote]+ Flying is…
> Flying is the artful application of scientific principles
> -- Airline Pilot & J-3 Cub owner Joe Costanza
[story of earthrise photo](https://youtu.be/B7KR1nCA4Js?si=tAzwUmDrBODRilJq)
[[The Humanist Bible]]
[The Enlightenment with Joseph Ellis](The%20Enlightenment%20with%20Joseph%20Ellis.md)
[Space man tries to step out of the shuttle](https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/01/solving-a-nasa-mystery-why-did-space-shuttle-commanders-lock-the-hatch/)
Natural Law Philosophy
## New Books
[Klan War](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/2804/fergus-m-bordewich) Fergus Bordewich
[mike massimino on tested](https://youtu.be/cIZkGqe1hdA?si=IF8zKXOTUcuqcl7p)
## Football Out, Soccer in
Soccer 81,000 sq ft 22 players = 3,681 sq ft per player
BB 4,700 sq ft. 10 players = 470 sq ft per player
FB 57,600 sq ft 22 players = 2,618 sq ft per player
## Class Notes
[High Flight](high%20flight.md) John Gillespie Magee
[I Saw the Face of God in a Semiconductor Factory](I%20Saw%20the%20Face%20of%20God%20in%20a%20Semiconductor%20Factory.md)
[Church Without God How Secular Congregations Fill a Need for Some Nonreligious Americans](Church%20Without%20God%20How%20Secular%20Congregations%20Fill%20a%20Need%20for%20Some%20Nonreligious%20Americans.md)
[Spirituality Among Americans](Spirituality%20Among%20Americans.md)
[Front Line - evangelical Christians, Tim Alberta](https://youtu.be/ErbTbyvwpdQ?si=zDFcZcs6EF3X84klhttps://youtu.be/ErbTbyvwpdQ?si=zDFcZcs6EF3X84kl)
[txt-Tim Alberta - Front Line Radical Evangelical Christianity](Tim%20Alberta%20-%20Front%20Line%20Radical%20Evangelical%20Christianity.md)
([doomsday clock](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/23/doomsday-clock-announcement-2024/72311076007/))
"fear and grievance and persecution" Tim Alberta, applies to Trump and Evangels
[comparative religion commonalities](comparative%20religion%20commonalities.md)
~~Decameron Braccacio~~
God as juvenile god, frustrated & quit
God an adolescent child god playing cosmic Frogger with humanity.
1. pandemic
2. move from ag to industrial and electronic
3. world war
4. median - lots of random snakes we can’t predict
5. nuclear war
6. climate catastrophe
7. newly released pandemic from climate change
on crossing the road, the juvenile god is rewarded by going to the next level: Cosmic Frogger
> **Hospitality** is the relationship of a host towards a guest, wherein the host receives the guest with some amount of goodwill and welcome. This includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Louis, chevalier de Jaucourt describes hospitality in the Encyclopédie as the virtue of a great soul that cares for the whole universe through the ties of humanity. Hospitality is also the way people treat others, for example in the service of welcoming and receiving guests in hotels. Hospitality plays a role in augmenting or decreasing the volume of sales of an organization.
> Hospitality ethics is a discipline that studies this usage of hospitality.
hospitality ethics
> [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospitality)
### Thoughts
1. In Weir’s The Martian, half the time and nearly all of the resources were used to try to deliver a peanut butter jelly sandwich to a guy on Mars.
2. First, man never left space, just spacemen. Second, our machines are so much more powerful than man. We stopped sending men, but we sent imagination, ingenuity, & determination into space instead.
3. OTOH, the Webb telescope parked in the L2 Lagrange point with a crew of 1800 people. Every member of that crew could walk to the 7-11 for a jar of peanut butter. And Webb has changed the science of physics.
4. Louis Pasteur "fortune favors the prepared mind," or just the prepared in this case Mark Watney (Matt Damon) in The Martian.
5. We should stay practiced at space flight and be prepared for any opportunity, but the laws of physics just don’t support much more at this time.
6. For All Mankind, anger at cost and putting people out of work with helium3 brought back from the moon.
7. The US has never been good at caring for displaced workers. Finland, OTOH, pays them 70% of their salary, healthcare, relocation, and retraining. Yes the show is fictional, but it highlights the dangers of change without bringing everyone along.
8. Over the last 30 years, hundreds of millions of peasants have been lifted out of abject starvation and poverty in the 3rd World. That is good. But that progress was cut whole from the hide of Americans workers and their families. Cheap Plastic Crap from China is no longer sufficient. We need employment; Jobs are for kids. ^cc6f79
1. Employment is:
* mortgage-paying
* healthcare having
* education affording
* retirement building
* wage for middle America without a college or even an HS degree.
[To Touch the Face of God](To%20Touch%20the%20Face%20of%20God.md)
### Issues
1. To Touch the Face of God: not mediated. Religion mediates.
2. No other religion or tradition is seriously contemplated
3. No mention at all of the popularity of science fiction & space opera drawing power away from the religious aspect. sF was more fun & excited the imagination than God. Less worn. Sf was the future, god was same old same old.