Here’s the translation of the Latin phrases from the text:
1. **Morte morieris** - (You shall surely die)
2. **Ne fortè moriamur** - (Perhaps we may die)
3. **Nequaquam moriemini** - (Surely you shall not die)
4. **Quis est homo** - (Who is the man)
5. **Quis homo** - (Which man)
6. **fortè moriemur** - (perhaps we may die)
7. **Nequaquam** - (Surely not)
8. **Ecce homo** - (Behold the man)
9. **Eruit animam de inferno** - (He delivered his soul from the hand of the grave)
10. **In sudore vultus** - (In the sweat of your face)
11. **Pulvis es, & in pulverem reverteris** - (Dust you are, and to dust you shall return)
12. **Nudus egressus, Nudus revertar** - (Naked I came out, naked I shall return)
13. **Natalitia Martyrum** - (Birthdays of the Martyrs)
14. **Mi Gheber** - (Who is the man)
15. **Quis vir** - (Which man)
16. **Quis deorum** - (Which of the gods)
17. **quid homo** - (what is man)
18. **Sine haesitatione credantur** - (They must be believed without hesitation)
19. **In judicantes & judicatos** - (Against those judging and those judged)
20. **Datum est omne judicium** - (All judgment is given)
21. **Quare moriemini domus Israel?** - (Why will you die, O house of Israel?)
22. **Oportuit pati** - (It was necessary to suffer)
23. **Veni Domine Iesu** - (Come Lord Jesus)
24. **In ictu oculi** - (In the blink of an eye)
25. **Fur in nocte** - (Thief in the night)
26. **Nemo scit** - (No one knows)
27. **Perditio tua ex te** - (Your ruin is from yourself)
28. **Vere languores nostros tulit** - (Surely he has borne our sorrows)
29. **Consummatum est** - (It is finished)
30. **Non moriar, non moriar** - (I shall not die, I shall not die)
31. **Quasi moriens, & ecce vivo** - (As if dying, and behold I live)
32. **Suscitavit in domo** - (He raised [her] in the house)
33. **Suscitavit in porta** - (He raised [him] at the gate)
34. **Suscitavit in Sepulchro** - (He raised [him] in the tomb)
35. **Pretiosa mors Sanctorum** - (Precious is the death of the saints)
36. **Ego homo** - (I am the man)
These translations should help clarify the meanings of the Latin phrases used in the text.