**Lucretius, a Roman poet and Epicurean philosopher**. In his work "De Rerum Natura" (On the Nature of Things), he writes: **"Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"** This sentiment is expanded upon in another passage: **"Look back at the eternity that passed before we were born, and mark how utterly it counts to us as nothing. This is a mirror that Nature holds up to us, in which we may see the time that shall be after we are dead."** -- Sources: - [Lucretius](obsidian://open?vault=rhkennerly&file=Lucretius) - [The Nature of Things](obsidian://open?vault=rhkennerly&file=The%20Nature%20of%20Things)