> _"Therefore the man, whoever he is, whose soul is tranquillized by restraint and consistency and who is at peace with himself, so that he neither pines away in distress, nor is broken down by fear, nor consumed with a thirst of longing in pursuit of some ambition, nor maudlin in the exuberance of meaningless eagerness—he is the wise man of whom we are in quest, he is the happy man who can think no human occurrence insupportable to the point of dispiriting him, or unduly delightful to the point of rousing him to ecstasy"_
—Cicero’s _Tusculan Disputations_ as translated by Thomas Jefferson
> ### My Latest…
> - ![[Fujifilm X100VI.jpg|300]]
> <mark style="background: #f7c622;">Great photography is created by the mind that perceives the image, the eye that composes the picture, and the experience working the exposure triangle—not the rig.</mark> It’s taken me a dozen cameras and several thousand dollars of gear to lead me back to my roots…
> - Read: [[Why the Fujifilm X100VI]]
> ---
> - ![[vietnam.png|200]]
> Wawro’s detailed political analysis makes this particular history an absorbing read.<mark style="background: #f7c622;"> Through his meticulous research of primary materials from archives around the world, some only recently discovered or released from an archive,</mark> Wawro offers a unique perspective on motivations and the profound misjudgments that prolonged the war on both sides.
> - _The Complete Review:_ [[The Vietnam War-A Military History (review)]]
![[today I'm reading.png|500]]
[Cicero's Tusculan Disputations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tusculanae_Disputationes)
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